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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I Met Someone

I met someone…someone that I never thought I would or could ever deserve. He has completely won my heart.  

He is kind, gentle, compassionate, full of mercy and grace, with a strength like no other.  When I wake up, he's the first person I need to talk to and the last one at the end of the day.  He never gets tired of me talking to him - or sharing my deepest fears, concerns, or even my complaints.  His patience for me is unlike any other. 

He is my BEST friend, and my closest confidant.  When I mess up, He's the first one to forgive me…even if I feel unforgivable.  When my heart is broken, He will fight for me in a way that can only be described as a fierce grace.  Then in the same moment, He will speak life over me...for as long as it takes...until my heart is mended.  

Even through all of the selfish decision making, and intentional betrayal,  He still forgives me…and welcomes me back with open arms.  He never reminds me of the things He's already forgiven me of,  but He believes i'm capable of not making the same mistakes again.  He believes in ME.  

He doesn't entertain fear, and He doesn't dread bad days.  He believes that challenges only make us stronger, and more reliant on the unfailing faithfulness of God.  In fact, in the most darkest of days, He was the only tender voice that could speak peace to the storm in my mind - always the great reminder of what God says and thinks about me. 

I have never known a greater servant of people, or a greater example of the heart of our creator God.  The crazy thing is that I should be serving Him…every single second.  If ANYONE has earned it, He has.  

Besides the love my parents showed me, He was the first example of an unconditional, unfailing, no strings-attached, greater-than-the-ocean kind of love.  A love so redeeming, that it was nearly impossible for me not to open my heart to Him.   There has never been a moment I didn't feel safe with Him, because He so wisely protects my heart.  I have only realized lately how It was only in the moments when I thought there was something better than Him, that my heart was broken and not cared for.  You see, He knows what is best for me.  He knows the perfect job, the perfect relationships, even the right place for me to call HOME.  He knows…and He gently leads me (never pushing me) towards them. 

He is "THE example of ALL examples" of the most incredible man to ever walk the planet.  He is perfect in every single sense of the word. - and He was the FIRST man to ever win my heart.  

I could honestly write Him a love letter every single day…simply because of who He is.    

In fact, at one point - He stood before all of my accusers on my behalf.  There was a sentence of death on my life, and He took my place.  He died for ME.  

He is not only the King of my heart…but He is King of ALL.  

I still can't comprehend how and why He loves me the way that He does…but it's true.

When I just THINK about His love for me, I can't stop smiling.  I'm sure the strangers I pass on the streets of NYC think I'm crazy...but I don't care. 

He has completely won my heart.  

He is PERFECT.  

And this love that He has for me…it's not JUST for me…it's for everyone.  It's for YOU.  

The man that I met years ago is JESUS.   He already knew me… but He was waiting so patiently for me to come and meet Him.  

I'm so glad I did.

He is my "forever" smile.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Best Alarm to Ever Wake Me Up


That is the word I heard in my spirit when I woke up on Wednesday of last week.
Strangely enough, I'm convinced that was exactly what woke me up that morning.  

"Prepare? Prepare.  Yes, prepare…wait. What am I preparing for?" - I kept saying to myself.  Then my thoughts began to wander (although I'm sure they were led by the spirit of God) to all of the dreams God placed on my heart.  For years, I've been storing up dreams, ideas, desires, and experiences…for this time.  It was time to start preparing.

Ever since I heard that word, I have experienced more awakening in my heart than I could probably describe…but I will do my best.

I have been meditating on this idea of "being prepared."  What am I doing RIGHT now to prepare for the very things that I have asked God to answer for days, months, and even years?  What steps am I taking now?  Or am I just "waiting" for my prayer to be answered without taking responsibility for what change that answer will bring in my life?

In the book of John…in the fifth chapter, "Jesus encounters a man who has been paralyzed for 38 years.  When he approaches the man, he asks him a crazy question, "Do you want to get well?"

Now I'm going to be honest, for the longest time, I always wondered why Jesus asked this question.  Who wouldn't want to get better?!  Are you serious, Jesus?!  But of course, in my lack of understanding as to why Jesus says and does the things that he does (which is ONLY what His Father leads him to do), I stopped asking that question one day.

It was when I was in a place of deep despair and brokenness that the spirit of God asked me, "Do you want to be better?" I remember wondering why He asked me that.  

"Of course I do, Lord!  I've been asking you to help me for so long!"

But over the following days and weeks, He began to reveal a deeper truth to that question.  He doesn't ask if we want to be well because we love to be in pain.  He asks us if we want to be better, simply because the healing means that we now have a greater responsibility to walk in that healing. And even greater, we have a responsibility to share that with the people we come in contact with.

We are no longer the victim.  Heavy. 

So when God finally answers our prayer, what do we do now?  Are we ready for what lies ahead?

If you are believing God for healing in your body…keep praying and believing and thanking Him for you healing.  He is faithful to His word.  But get ready for what lies ahead when you receive that healing.  Prepare now.  Prepare in your speech about who God is to those who don't know Him.  Prepare in your heart.  Speak life, always.  

I think sometimes we think our perspective is going to change ONCE we receive the answer to our prayer.  In some ways, this is true.  But for the most part, our habits and beliefs stay the same.  

If you are asking (begging) God for a spouse to come into your life, start preparing now.  You aren't perfect, so don't expect perfection in the one you are "waiting" for.  Search after, and get to know the heart of Jesus…and you'll automatically be a better man or woman for someone else.  Stop asking for it, and thank God for it…and keep preparing.  Take a look at how you live your life now.  If you have unhealthy habits in relationships now, that won't change later when you find the man or woman of your dreams.  Start being an amazing spouse now.  Ask yourself the hard questions about the areas in your life that you can begin to adjust.  But always remember to be patient with yourself in the process…just like we should be with others. If God is patient with us, why shouldn't we be patient with ourselves?  

If you are asking God to open doors of opportunity in your career or in your finances, start preparing now.  Ask God to give you wisdom in the big and small things; with large and small amounts of money.  Remember, if we are faithful with the little…He can entrust much to us, because He knows we can take care of it.  

Someone once said to me, "The harvest is more work than the preparation."

The more I think about that, the more I realize how true that is!  Take a farmer for example.  Now, I know NOTHING about being a farmer, but I do know that they have to know how to handle a large harvest of crops.  They sow the seeds and wait - that's actually the easy part.  Then as soon as they start to see the first part of their fruit begin to bud, they have to protect it against critters and other animals.  They also learn to protect it against the conditions of the unpredictable weather.  Then once the harvest has completely come to fruition, a farmer has to know how much to store, invest, sell, and even how to keep that product healthy for consumption.  The work is in the harvest.  It is a joyous time, but it is a season of exponential growth.  If the farmer doesn't follow through with all of the steps to prepare for the harvest, He won't be ready for it.  Once he receives the harvest, he won't know how to take care of it, and most likely it will wither and die. 

I am happy to wait longer for the answer to my dreams/prayer to come, because I know that each day (If I allow God to move in my heart), I am being made more like Christ in that area of my life.  I am preparing to be the best that I can be.  The reality is, we may be asking God for something that we have not ever experienced before…which is highly likely.  But that doesn't  mean that God can't give us wisdom and understanding about that very thing long before we ever receive it.

The bible actually says to ask for wisdom, and we will receive it.  So, that's what I'm doing…in every area of my life.   I'm asking God for wisdom in my finances because I believe He can entrust much into my life for His kingdom, if I do so.  I'm asking God to lead me in my relationships, lead me to godly examples of wife and a mother so that I can learn the "unforced rhythms" of the day-to-day-mundaine tasks…so I never despise the days ahead that may seem dormant.  
Preparation isn't attractive to most people.  It means that you make decisions to not do certain things that you've always done, because you need to spend your time wisely in preparation.  Preparation will probably come with criticism and cynicism from all sides.  Don't let up - keep going!  

Prepare. Prepare. Prepare….and then watch God open the most insane doors of opportunity for you!  

Watch Him trust you with more…now, THAT is humbling.  

"PREPARE." - That was the word that woke me up last week...and started the greatest chain reaction of new revelation and understanding.  

Best alarm that has ever woken me up.