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Friday, October 31, 2014

Can I sit with you? - (The Struggle to Belong)

Growing up, I heard a lot of stories from kids my age whose parents sat them down, and told them that they would be moving to another city.  As a kid, there is an immediate "panic-dread" feeling that overwhelms you the minute you find out that you have to move to another city, state, or school.  Your life is now over. Done.

"But, I don't want to leave my friends! How will I make new ones?!"

Or..something like that. Even if you were the "cool" kid in school, you may not be in the next place - scary. Funny how that doesn't change with age.  "What if people don't like me in my new job?"

Let's just call it what it is. Let's just be honest with ourselves, and admit what we have all felt (at some point in our lives).  We just want to belong somewhere.

Years ago, a teen flick movie was released in theaters that uplifted the idea of popular, beautiful girls who bullied anyone who didn't fit into their ridiculous criteria.  I remember watching this movie with my friends, and I hated it. My immediate response was anger and frustration that this was something that thousands of young people would watch, laugh at, and imitate.

I realize that my response was perhaps a tad bit dramatic, but nonetheless, I hated this movie.  I've since watched it, and can look at it with a more "light-hearted" viewpoint, but I'm still not sure that I ever want to be "ok" with this movie.  And YES, I do realize there is a greater "moral" in this movie, that was SORT of communicated at the end of the movie.

I digress on that.

I think it's easy to look at other people and feel like you're the only one who doesn't belong.  You compare your life with theirs, and find a million and one reasons why you don't belong, and why EVERYONE ELSE does.

"Does anyone even notice me?"

OBVIOUSLY, THAT IS RIDICULOUS!! (and the biggest lie from the devil - he's such an idiot...and he's been feeding the same lie for centuries. Nothing new).

It's like the kids say these days, "Story of my life..." Ha.  Funny thing is, I'm sure a lot of people feel this way, and no one else would know it.

The more I think about this whole "fitting in" concept, the more I realize that sometimes when we "fit in," we end up becoming someone that we hate - or someone that isn't truly who we are.  We become more exclusive, instead of inclusive...and THAT, to me, is even more scary.

When I'm reminded I don't quite fit in whatever/wherever, I'm also reminded that someone else feels the same way.  The real truth, folks: I'm not sure any of us really fit in. I don't mean that in the way that you might think.  We all matter, but I don't necessarily believe we are all meant to fit in.

We are blessed enough to have friends/family that love us for who we are.  They love us with all of our insane thoughts, stupid immature moments, and more obviously - our endearing qualities.

Let's look at the idea of healthy FAMILY for a second.  A healthy family isn't perfect.  Each member within that family has different qualities, desires, dreams, and even faults.  How is that they all fit in though? Because each one of those members has made a decision to love each of the others, with no strings attached. They don't love them because they have everything in common, but just simply because of who they are.

THAT, is what belonging is all about.

Some of my best friends are incredibly good at making people feel welcomed - and truthfully, that is why they are my friends.  I find it difficult to be close with anyone who doesn't think that way.

EveryONE belongs, and everyONE matters.  If I can't find a commonality with someone, I try harder. I am primarily an introvert - but that's no excuse for being "too shy" to include someone else. And when I don't feel like I fit in, I try harder to make sure someone else doesn't feel the same way.  Then the most beautiful thing happens.  In the process of helping someone else, I am reminded that my part matters, and even more, that people matter. My focus shifts from me to others.

Jesus was/is the ultimate example of including others.  When He gave His life on the cross, He thought of US. Not just one person...all of us.  He thought of the world, present and future.  He didn't fit in either, but yet He is the son of God. If there was ever an example to follow, it's His. He didn't fit in, was shamed and persecuted, but yet He loved relentlessly.

I started writing this a few weeks back in a moment of weakness. I knew how I felt was real, but silly. Most of all, I knew I wasn't the only one.  But this is becoming less and less about me, and more about how I can do my part to include others.

Hopefully we are learning to grow in this as we get older.  Hopefully, we are teaching those after us how to do this.  I'm seriously tired of: "You can't sit with us!"

I'm going to start asking: "Can I sit WITH you?"

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Truth about Joy and other things...

I’m going to be as real and as raw as possible in this blog post…and I hope, if anything, it provides some sort of therapy for my mind. 

Here’s the brutal honesty.  I think most people put their “best foot forward” when it comes to social media.  Someone once commented on a photo I posted about laying in the grass and enjoying every moment, “Wow, your life is nearly perfect huh?”

I laughed really hard at that comment before replying…and for longer than 10 seconds.  The thing is, my life isn’t perfect..nobody’s life is! But I guess, for a few moments, every once in awhile, I like to celebrate the really really small things.  Because when we learn to celebrate the really really “seemingly insignificant” things/moments in life…we learn to enjoy life more. 

Sadly, I didn’t really learn that until I was in my late twenties, almost thirties.  

I HATE my job.  Hate it…in fact, I’d say that when I think about my job, I get a little sick feeling in the pitt of my stomach that doesn’t go away until I take a moment to pray about it. You see, my current job didn’t always give me that feeling.  I used to wake up, knowing I had a lot of work awaiting me, but I never had that nervous, sick, “so stressed out” I can barely get through this migraine feeling.  The past few months have been a continuation of this very feeling…day after day.  The weekends never quite seem long enough, and the moments when I’m enjoying life with the ones I love…never quite seem long enough.

I hate that. I despise the fact that I am so discontent.  I think what’s worse, is the fact that those feelings can so easily creep in and poison the beautiful things in life. 

I woke up this morning…trying to find an excuse to miss work.  But it’s not in my heart to ever be dishonest to get out of work, even when I think I deserve it.  (It’s a personal thing.. my parents instilled into me amazing principles in honesty).

Now, I could list all of the reasons why my job is an unhealthy place to work at…and also why I know it’s not somewhere I want to stay, but it would be pointless. It would be pointless, because maybe it’s a great place for someone else to work.  Obviously I want this business to grow and flourish…just without me. 
To answer the question I’m sure you are asking…YES, I am looking for another job. 

Here’s where it gets good.

Just when I think that things can’t get any worse at my job…God always steps in and shows Himself faithful.  I wish I could share the details, but all i’m going to say is that God is good.  

There are those moments in life when you feel a little bit “hopeless” about a certain situation, and it’s in those moments that I believe God sends reminders..

“I’m with you…I haven’t left…I’m still here…and I’m going to take care of this.”

I know my job story is SO minimal when compared to so many of yours, but let this small small example be a reminder that He is with you in whatever battle you are walking through.

I woke up this morning hearing the holy spirit remind me to CHOOSE JOY. My first response was, “REALLY?! Joy?! There is no joy at my job.”

Hahaha!…and quickly I was reminded all over again of the fact that I have a job. 

And that’s all I needed to shut up.  

In saying that, I do not believe God wants us to be miserable in life.  So, I am believing and trusting for more. I’m believing God has the perfect job out there for me..a job that I’m excited about.  I’m believing for an Ephesians 3:20 kind of job…”beyond what I could even think or ask…”

It’s definitely out there. Until then, I may hate my job…but I will choose JOY.  

I’m just gonna start laughing at all the dumb things that happen throughout my day instead of getting mad.  

I’m sure people will start thinking I’m crazy, but whatever. At least I’m laughing!!!

Also, here are some beautiful scripture reminders of joy:

James 1:2-3

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."

Romans 15:13

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

John 16:22

"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Morning Heart Explosion

I woke up this morning feeling like my heart was going to explode.

Well, that was AFTER the fact that I deliberately neglected to go to the gym.  You see, aside from the fact that I somehow manage to get to work at least an hour before my other colleagues, mornings aren't my strong suit.  One day, I'll be a champion at mornings.  (Insert, "I have a dream" speech...which is completely NOT related, ha!)

My heart....yes, my heart.  I admit that I am quite the emotional person.  Most of my emotion is internal, which can be a great thing...and can also turn into the most ridiculously selfish thirty second display of emotion.

Picture this.

I'm walking to work (subway ride, included), headphones in, listening to a BETHEL song (for those of you who don't know who they are...check this: ) on the highest setting I can put my iphone on without disturbing anyone else.  There is a bridge to the song which says:

Bless the Lord, Oh my soul cries out
All that is within me, Praise
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul cries out
All that is within me, Praise

Simple?  Yes, it is.  But the best part about something as simple and declarative as these words, is the fact that we sing them no matter how we feel.  I'm actually in what I would consider a "mountaintop season."  Is everything perfect? No, not at all.  But my soul is well.  I can see areas of my life that I was trusting God for breakthrough, actually bearing fruit.  As i'm listening to this song, all I can think of is how faithful God has been through everything.

Then, I start to think about how good Jesus is...

How He saved me...and how He continues to save me.

How He has won my heart...and how He continues to win my heart.

I'm thinking about how much He knows me more than I know myself.

How He has relentlessly pursued me since the day I was born, and still continues to.

How He takes care of my family, when I can't be near them.

How He takes captive every single thought that isn't from Him...and replaces it with love.

How He knows my mistakes..and still gives me what I don't deserve.

He has forever WON my heart (and all of my emotions!) ...and I will gladly let Him.

If anyone has earned it, He has.

I'm not sure if this post has any one theme, other than to say...Keep remembering His goodness.  Keep looking heavenward when all you see is calamity, chaos, confusion, and brokenness.  If you are in your BEST moments, remember Him.

He never forgets us... ever.

I'll leave you with a verse that I have prayed so many times:

Psalm 51:12 "Restore to me the joy of your salvation.  And grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."

The Message version is mind blowing:

7-15Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean,
    scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.
Tune me in to foot-tapping songs,
    set these once-broken bones to dancing.
Don’t look too close for blemishes,
    give me a clean bill of health.
God, make a fresh start in me,
    shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.
Don’t throw me out with the trash,
    or fail to breathe holiness in me.
Bring me back from gray exile,
    put a fresh wind in my sails!
Give me a job teaching rebels your ways
    so the lost can find their way home.
Commute my death sentence, God, my salvation God,
    and I’ll sing anthems to your life-giving ways.
Unbutton my lips, dear God;
    I’ll let loose with your praise."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Truth Is...

The truth is, not much has changed.  Or so it seems...

I still battle thoughts of unworthiness, failure, and fear.  I still have mornings when I wake up with the overwhelming thought that I am not good enough, strong enough, creative enough, adequate enough, or beautiful.

You would think, at the age of 30, that I would be well over combating the thoughts equal to that of a 15 year old insecure girl, but sometimes - I’m not. 

I wish that I could say that I never struggle with insecurity. Oh how good it would be to be confident in knowing I don’t fight against a lack of confidence..ha..that’s ironic.  The truth is, I do…some days.

As I was laying in bed thinking about all of these disappointing “truths” the other night, I felt the holy spirit remind me of something.

“Your insecurities NOW, are not the same as your insecurities THEN..”

WOW.  I have changed?  

Now the REAL truth. 

I don’t struggle with the same thoughts of insecurity.  I don’t battle the same feelings of unworthiness that I did even a year ago.  Jesus has redeemed and restored so much in my life, that I’m not even “moved” by the same thoughts that used to weigh me down before.

Day by day, He strengthens me.  As I wait upon I seek Him, He gives me strength to withstand anything.

A few years ago, I sat with a friend who is going through a very tragic circumstance in her family.  There had been unfaithfulness in the marriage…and every single fear imaginable came into my mind.  I kept thinking, “Well, I’ve had boyfriends cheat on me in the past…what if I have this with my husband one day?”  I was meant to be in my friend’s life as a support, and yet, I was afraid of the very same thing she was walking through.  

Recently, I found myself in very similar situation.  I remember thinking, “Oh, I hope I don’t start fearing this for my own life.”  It was in that exact moment when I realized: “I’m,ok.  God has already faithfully brought me through this in the past, and brought me to a place where I can TRUST Him with this part of my life.  I don’t need to fear for the future.” 

The TRUTH is, I’m not the same person that I was last year, or the year before.  I don’t deal with the same insecurities, fears, or doubts.  

The TRUTH is, I am walking with Jesus through new areas of trust in Him.  I am learning to trust Him with parts of my life that I have not trusted Him with before.  

So, it seems on some days, that I haven’t changed.  It seems like I am still that insecure little 15 year old girl that ‘can’t get it together!’  But that’s not the truth.  

It is a very GOOD thing to remind yourself of the TRUTH. Not the lies you hear all day long…but the truth.  

We don’t need to build “memorials” around the things we used to struggle with..and stay there.  Remind yourself of what God has done already.  Remind yourself of what He has delivered you from, what He is in the process of completing! Give yourself a good ol’ slap in the face if you need to.

I love the line from the movie “THE INCREDIBLES”:

“Pull yourself together! You are elasta-girl!”

Ha! Perhaps we need to remind ourselves of how much we can do in HIS name.  We are incredible…in HIM. We are indestructible in HIS name.  We may have been struck down at one time, but we are back up and better than ever now! 

Even if you don’t “feel” like it now. 

Since when has our faith in Jesus ever been based on our “feelings?!”  That’s what I have to remind myself of nearly every day.  

You are not where you could be..or should be…or have been.  

The truth is… He is strong in our weakness.  

2 Corinthians 12:9-11
"And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong."

Now THAT is something to build a memorial around! Build a monument on the fact that in Jesus we are made strong…even in our weaknesses!  

Be patient with where you are at…allow God to complete what He has begun.  So yeah, maybe we still struggle with insecurities… let HIM walk with YOU through them.  Let Him strengthen you as you trust Him with your heart.

You are better than you think you are.  :)

And most of all, You are LOVED by a God who madly, and compassionately loves YOU.  

That is the TRUTH. Everything else…is a lie. 

P.s. A LOT can change in a moment...I just got back from a trip to Hawaii.. and there is no way that could have happened without God.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Being Brave

I have been pondering this verse for months now…and for some reason (unbeknownst to me…but definitely known by our Mighty God), I cannot shake it from my spirit.

1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

How many times have we entertained fear like a guest we are scrambling around the house to prepare the most extravagant of feasts?  Instead of waging war against every fear-filled lie with the very life giving words of God (the Bible), we listen…and listen to them…the conniving whispers and tricks of the enemy.

LIES.  That’s all that fear is…lie after lie. 

Speaking of the devil...John 8:44… “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” 

The word of God reminds us that every single word that goes against his very life-giving words is a lie…and even more, that those words come directly from the devil.  That is enough for me to stop listening, stop entertaining, and stop feeding those lies.  

I’ve learned in the most depressing, the most lonely, the most rejected of moments, that God’s word is my ONLY lifeline.  

I am so grateful for the moments when I sense fear, and run to God for help. Call it a crutch if you want…I don’t care. I need Him every single second of my desperate days. I need Him in the very celebratory moments, and in the not so famous ones. 

God makes me more brave.  I am convinced of that!  Daily, I am learning how to become completely reliant on the mighty God that I serve…and I don’t care how weak that makes me seem.  I can feel his very life strengthening me when I call on His name.  

When He calls us… we have NOTHING to fear..EVER.

I don’t know if there is much more I can say.. so I will leave you with some lyrics (and link to a video) to one of my new favorite songs by BETHEL, called “You Make Me Brave."

You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore 
Into the waves

You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now 
the love that made a way

You make me brave
you make me brave
you call me out beyond the shore 
Into the waves

You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now
The you’ve made



  1. ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
    "a brave soldier"

  2. synonyms:

  3. courageousvaliant, valorous, intrepidheroiclionheartedbold,fearlessgallantdaringpluckyaudacious; More

Friday, April 4, 2014


My parents are some of the most incredible people on the planet, hands down…and if you try to tell me yours are better, I’ll probably fight you (with a smile on my face, of course). 

My parents were always careful to monitor what us kids watched on television and in movies.  I specifically remember not being allowed to watch certain cartoons because some of the material encouraged evil and sorcery.  As a child, you can’t possibly understand this kind of thing, so you just go along with it...and sometimes you argue with your parents until you get into trouble. 

Even though I grew up in a safe, healthy environment, I still struggled with intense nightmares as a child.  There is no way that I could have made up some of the things I saw in my nightmares...they were intense. I remember countless nights of feeling “frozen” with fear.  

But every time I would wake up crying out for my mom and dad to come rescue me, one of them would come rushing in and immediately hold me close.  Without fail, they would pray the sweetest, most tender, and yet powerful prayer over my mind and heart. There was no greater feeling than the feeling of safety that would overwhelm me after they prayed.  It was very clear to me at that time that prayer worked, that Jesus loved me, and that the devil hated me. 

Fear is a very real thing.  It can be incredibly debilitating. Fear tells us lies about who we are, what we can and can’t do, who loves us, and who doesn’t.  Sometimes fear will creep in through the most unexpected ways, like through a friend trying to offer advice. Maybe it comes in the form of a rejection from a position you were applying for at work.   
Sometimes it looks like “jealousy” because everyone else is dating and you’re not..but really it’s just fear of not ever meeting the right person. It’s fear that God doesn’t have the best for you…I know that one all too well.

When I was walking through some of my darkest days last year, I learned something that I couldn’t have learned as a child. I had to learn this on my own..I had to make it real for myself, as an adult.

I learned how powerful prayer is over fear.

Yes, fear is a real thing…and it comes ONLY from a very real enemy (satan).  BUT, God is even more REAL than that.  He REALLY won, and He will continue to REALLY win forevermore.

The truth is, there will be good days, and there will be days that you wished never happened. And sometimes those days that you never wished happened lead to fears about the future.  Then, if we don’t allow God to help us address those fears, they can become so deeply rooted in us. I’ve even been so discouraged by my failures in relationships or past jobs, that I didn’t even want to talk to God about it.  I was so scared to let him into that part of my life, because I was afraid of failing again. Meanwhile, I imagine this patient and wonderful creator of the universe, just waiting for me to call upon Him for help.  He was waiting for me to trust Him to take care of the very things that paralyzed me with fear.

But let’s not forget the most powerful weapon that we have access to all the time!  A weapon that doesn’t actually need an introduction or proof.  This weapon has been said to be sharper than any two edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)

This is THE WORD OF GOD.  This is the Bible. 

When we speak the words of God we combat fears.  Fear only has the power we give it in our lives.  So if we continue to feed fears by listening to everyone’s opinions all of the time, instead of going to God’s word for validation, then that fear grows.  

What if we decided that every time a fear of rejection, failure, or stepping out in faith comes into our mind - that we immediately open up the word of God (Bible), and search fervently for a scripture that combats that lie? Imagine how that would alter the course of our day! 

For example.  FEAR: “What if I never find the right man/woman for my life? What if I always screw relationships up?”  

SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 3:20 “Now to Him who is ABLE to do immeasurably more than what we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us.”

So…if your fear is that you won’t get a job that is the desire of your heart.  If you fear that your past failed relationships will be your pattern for life, remember that God is able to do IMMEASURABLY more than what we can ask or imagine.  He is able.

I’m not sure there is much more to say about why we shouldn’t fear…and what I have learned from allowing fear into my life.  But I will leave you with a list of scriptures that have helped me along the way.  

I want to encourage you to dig into the word of God for yourself.  Find scriptures that will combat those fears.  I can promise you that your heart will be strengthened in speaking out the words of God over your life.  Let God into your life long enough to help you deal with those fears.  He wants us to be free of them!  Just like my parents rushed to my side when I cried out in fear, God comes rushing in to our side, holds us, and speaks life over us. 

Disclaimer: Once you open up the bible and realize how good it is, you might not want to put it down.  It will bring you life, hope, peace, and strengthen you. Just so you know…ENOY forever. 

Psalm 23 - ALL OF IT. :)

Psalm 27:1 “the Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Whom shall I fear?” 

Psalm 118:6 “The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.”

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self discipline.”

Psalm 56:3-4 “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, In God I trust; I will not be afraid.”

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fea, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my gracious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:13 “For I am the Lord you God, who takes hold o four right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage, be strong.”

1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..”

Monday, March 17, 2014

I Surrender

My friend Lauren and I have this on-going joke every time we travel anywhere together on the train.  For a while, every time we would get on the train to go somewhere, we would argue (disagree) about which end of the train was the right end to get onto.  Of course, I thought I was right...and so did she.

Well...the thing is...I was wrong almost every time.  The truth is, I can figure out where I'm going, if you give me a map. But, I am actually what they call "directionally challenged..." I mean, I can't be good at EVERYTHING. :)

Lauren and I would laugh about it afterwards - about how "sure" I was about where we were going, and how I was actually wrong.  I'm so glad I have no problem apologizing and admitting that i'm wrong. Otherwise, I would have some serious self esteem issues!

I was thinking about these moments this morning...thinking about how ridiculous it is when we THINK we know the right direction.  We are right..darn it!

"I KNOW this is right! I've done this so many times...and I KNOW that this will take us in the direction we need to go!"

The last time I rode the train with my friend Lauren, we both asked the question, "Which way do we go?"  My VERY quick response to this question as I threw my  hands up in a "surrender" like motion, "I have NO idea...I'm done thinking I know the right way! You probably know more than I do!"

I finally got to a point where I realized that she knew more than I did.  And it's not about her always being right, and me being wrong, it's about the fact that in this particular area, she had the knowledge that I didn't.

How close is this to our relationship with God?

I believe that God is so faithful to reveal bits and pieces of the "purpose" He has for us...but He doesn't reveal the whole picture.  How could He?  Not only could we not handle the magnitude of what He has planned for us, but we would probably try to alter the outcome in some way.

So, in the journey of following God, we get little glimpses of our purpose.  Our first step is to follow that prompting and guidance...because we want the perfect will of God, right? Yet, somehow in that process, we cling so tightly to that one small puzzle piece of an idea of what God has for us.  We cling so tightly, that we actually create a BOX that "tailor fits" that dream or purpose.

But...the problem lies in the fact that God doesn't fit in boxes.  He is too magnificent, too great, incredibly sovereign, too grand, and too good to fit in a man-made box.

Isaiah 40:12 (NIV) 

"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?  Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?"

Oh, how I love full of descriptions of our magnificent God!  

God is TOO BIG to fit into our "idea" of how we think our life should look!  He is in our dreams, and in our desires because He is the one who placed them in our hearts.  But, there is so much more where that came much.

The older I get, the more I find myself in a posture of hands raised in surrender.  Every other day, I'm saying, "God, I'm done.  I'm done trying to be the captain of my own life...I actually don't know what I'm doing without you.  You always know what's best for me!"

By the way, admitting that you don't know what's best for your life and God NOT a sign of weakness.  Maybe some of you need proof of this... 

When I first moved to Sydney, Australia to pursue bible college at Hillsong Church, I was sure I felt the spirit of God show me that was my HOME.  I felt that "word" so strong that nothing could shake what I believed in my heart to be true for my life.  It wasn't until my visa was a month away from expiring, that I started to question God.  

"But, you told me this was my HOME."

At that very time, Hillsong NYC was announced in church...and I couldn't even count how many people were telling me, "Nat, have you thought about NYC?"

"NO, I haven't thought about NYC because this is my home! This is my because that's what I feel God put in my heart."  I was wrong.  You see, in the end...I felt the holy spirit lead me back home to the U.S..and on to NYC.  Five years later,  it's very clear to me why I didn't stay in Sydney.  I have been "stretched"far beyond what I ever thought I was capable of! 

I used to only think I was good at singing. My greatest passion was leading worship in that's all I imagined for my life.  My vision was so narrow.  The longer I walk with Jesus, and learn to "surrender" my desires and dreams into His hands, the more I see GREATER opportunity arise in my life.  In the last 7 years, I have seen my capacity grow into so many different strengths.  Sure, I still love singing, and I believe that is still a part of God's purpose for my life. But it's just that...a PART of His plan.

Isn't it outrageous that we serve a God that requires surrender, and yet, what get in return from Him is FAR GREATER than what we laid down? I have had many moments where I have reluctantly laid down my desires to pick up God's for my life, for that time.  It always felt like I was losing something so dear to someone ripped my heart from my chest. 

BUT GOD KNEW there was better for my life.  

Surrender is one of the most beautiful ways to worship God.  It is an incredible mix of faith, brokenness, and peace all working together.  The end result...a life we never imagined..even in our most elaborate dreams!

For the days I find this kind of surrender difficult I am reminded of Galatians 6:9:

"Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!"  

KEY WORDS..."if we do not give up!"  It's pretty simple really - we can't receive the prize if we quit in the middle of the race. 

Why is it that even when God proves to us over and over, that His ways are truly better than ours, that we still need proof that He will be faithful to return to us what He asks us to surrender?  

"Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart...and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

"Take delight in the Lord, and He WILL give you the desires of your heart."  Psalm 37:4

Those two verses are not only reminders..but PROOF that He will be faithful when we surrender and trust in Him.

Another incredible thing that happens when we surrender, is that we create more room for God to actually do something massive in our lives!  We declutter our heart-space from what 'WE WANT" and what "WE FEEL is right," and make room for the extraordinary life that God always purposed us to have! It's such a bittersweet feeling when we end up with a clean slate again.  Our first reaction is to fill it with something...anything that makes sense!

But I believe, the moment we have the space for God to move in a outwork His wondrous plan for our lives, is the moment that we get to have a front row seat to the best show on the planet.  It's so much better than the "perfect"'s the BEST life!

Think about it. If we can make everything happen by our own efforts and works, then how good can our life actually be?  NOT that good.

I'd much rather have the CREATOR of all creators...the AUTHOR of all authors...the DREAM-GIVER for all dreamers...I'd rather have God write my story. I'd rather surrender my minuscule idea for my life, for a much more exciting one!

So perhaps, we don't know what is best for our lives...and maybe, just maybe...God does.  Maybe the direction that we've gone for the past how ever many years, isn't the direction that we need to go now.  Maybe, just maybe, God knows the right direction for us. What if we stopped; just long enough, to listen to where He was leading us?  What if we actually waited long enough for God to fulfill what He promised to us, before we gave up to easily?

God has the BEST life for us..just waiting for us to be obedient, attentive to His leading, and willing to surrender.

Give Him a chance to show you...He can be trusted.

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Most Beautiful Adventure

If there is ONE regret that I still think about, it would be that I wish I would have stayed in piano lessons.  I think about this…PROBABLY once or twice a month, especially when I want to sit down and write a song.  I used to search for songs that had only the most simple chord progressions - because that's all I knew how to play.

One of the few songs I could play on the piano was an an old worship song that I used to sing when I was in middle school, written by Graham Kendrick.  

All I once held dear, built my life upon
All this world reveres, and wars to own
All I once thought gain I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now, compared to this

Knowing you, Jesus
Knowing you, there is no greater thing
You're my all, you're the best
You're my joy, my righteousness
And I love you, Lord

Now my heart's desire is to know you more
To be found in you and known as yours
To possess by faith what I could not earn
All-surpassing gift of righteousness

Oh, to know the power of your risen life
And to know You in Your sufferings
To become like you in your death, my Lord
So with you to live and never die

I woke up this morning with this song in my head.  

"Knowing you, Jesus…Knowing you.  There is no greater thing.."

What a powerful statement to make - and OH so true!  I haven't lived for that long, but I have lived long enough to know life without Christ - even if I was still attending and serving in church.  There were so many years that I spent NOT really knowing Him.  

In not knowing Him, I wasn't aware of His goodness.  I had no idea about his grace and His mercy towards me.  How could I?  I had a bible - which are God's VERY words…but I barely cracked it open to read on a Sunday. Even more heartbreaking, was the fact that I had NO idea how much He loved me.  I had no idea that His love for me was greater than my sin…greater than my inability to understand Him.  I had no idea that He was bigger than the problems I was facing at school, in my family, and in my heart.  I had no idea, because I didn't know Him.

When I first moved to Sydney, Australia in 2006, I was like a rag doll that had been through the washer and dryer one too many times.  I was worn, and broken, and torn, and faded.  

"There is no way that God can use a wreck like me…" I would often say to myself. 

In time, I began to start talking to God.  Just talking. Nothing fancy, or well thought out, or profound - just my broken heart exposed for MY God.  That is all He wants.  Just my heart.

Through the years, I have learned that a relationship with Jesus really is the most exciting, the most challenging, the most freeing, and the most safe place to be.  He is everything that I need - forever.  Yet, He knows me well…even more than I know me.  He knows that one day I will need another person to share life with.  He knows that my friendships are important for my "every day."

Jesus is enough.  He's enough for me…all the time.  He's enough - even when I think He's not.  When I think that earning more money at my job would be better.   In my most vulnerable and unguarded moments, when I would replace my relationship with Jesus with anything BUT Him…  He is still more than enough.  He is still good.  He is still GOD. 

I love Philipians 3:8:

"What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ."

WOW.  "I consider everything a LOSS when compared to knowing Christ Jesus, MY Lord…"  There really is nothing better.  

There comes a point in a relationship when you don't have to defend why you love that person, and why they are the greatest person that you've ever known.  You just know it.  The conviction of your belief in that person is so deep, and so strong, that no one and no thing can take that away.  That is how I feel about Jesus.  It isn't just one moment that has led me to this point.  It is every, single, day, since I made the decision to make Him MY Lord and Savior. 

Perhaps, if I told you that He has been with me through seasons of success and joy.  Or that He has remained faithful even through the nights that seemed darkest - when my sadness was so real, I felt like I couldn't breathe.  His words were my very lifeline.  Maybe that would be enough of an explanation.  

He is just as real in my victories as He is in my failures.  He hasn't abandoned me, or turned away from me, nor has his love for me lessened because of my mistakes.  He has remained GOOD through it all.  

I am forever grateful for the blessings that God has literally poured out in my life, but even still, they aren't nearly as satisfying as knowing Him.  My friendships, my family, my job, the desires of my heart fulfilled… all of these things are absolutely necessary for our lives here on Earth.  But they still aren't as rewarding as knowing Jesus.  

If we could build our lives upon KNOWING Jesus, wouldn't it be easier to deal with the loneliness, or the relationship deficiencies we go through on a daily basis? Wouldn't it make it easier to deal with what feels like a "closed door" or a "failure?"  I think our immediate response would still be that the BEST is still to come.  That would be our response because we seek to know Jesus…and in seeking to KNOW Him, we find out that He only wants the absolute best for us. 

In seeking to KNOW Jesus, our dependence on one person to satisfy every single need that we may ever have would be redirected to the only one who can truly satisfy our every need.  It just makes more sense.  

When we live like this, we live COMPLETE.  We live whole.  When we live whole, we have a greater capacity to love others.  Basically, we always win.  

Jesus is the completion of everything He has started.  He is not only the author, but the finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).  

He is IT…He is ALL.  

I'll finish with this quote from my daily devotional from A.W. Tozer:

"Martin Luther, the great Theologian, said that wholehearted religion lies in its personal pronoun.  When the human heart cries with the psalmist, a prophet, an apostle or mystic, it cries out "God is mine." And when the human heart worships God and says "mine," God responds by saying, "Yes, I am. I am yours."

Knowing HIM is the most beautiful adventure we will ever know.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

She is Confident

At five years old, I was unstoppable.  I wrote songs and choreographed dance routines all the time...and they were...definitely UNFORGETTABLE.  With the biggest smiles on their faces, my mom and dad would patiently listen to my terribly written songs...which-i'm sure made NO sense at all!

I remember playing outside with my older brother all of the time.  I remember my dog, Zeak...who eventually ran away.  I vividly remember the day that I fell into the thorn bushes outside the front of my house whilst wearing only my bathing suit.  I remember playing Frisbee with my dad, and being carefree.  I remember so many good things about that part of my life.  I remember being full of smiles...and joy...and laughter.  I don't; however, remember ever lacking confidence.  It wasn't even a question of whether or not I could or couldn't sing a song...or whether I was good enough.  I just was.

It wasn't until I was around 10 or 11 years old that I became AWARE of my ability to fail.  It seemed like 'all of the sudden' I wasn't good enough, talented enough, brave enough, pretty enough...but who told me that?!

It certainly wasn't my beautiful mom, who never ceased to tell me how beautiful I was.  It definitely wasn't my dad or my friends, or my teachers.  Other than the usual 'kids being kids' ridicule in school, nothing was terrible enough to have changed my view on myself that drastically.

For at least 3 or 4 years, I was terrified to sing in church.  I couldn't even imagine performing for anyone.  I was silenced...and I wasn't even sure when or how I was silenced.

Finally - years later, I was singing again in church.  I was around 14 years old when I led my first song during the 'praise and worship' portion  of the service in my youth group.  That was the night I realized I wanted to do that forever.  (My dreams were clearly not big enough at that time!).  Even to this day, I still count it an honor and an unbelievable privilege (one I have not or will ever have earned) to lead people into the worship of our Savior.  I also believe with all of my heart that God has placed that desire on the inside of me because He has called me to lead in this area...for this time. I can't speak for the future, but I can speak for the now.  So, as long as I have the trust and the opportunity to lead people into His presence, I will do it with confidence - knowing He is with me.

Let's fast forward to now.  I am not an expert on "being confident".  I am however, aware of the moments in my life where I believe the devil (in his idiotic way) attempted to steal away the confidence I had in Jesus.  Just like the Lord has a plan for my life... so does the enemy.  His only (foolish) plan is to destroy my life...and keep me from remembering God's wondrous plans for my life. 

I truly believe that God doesn't want me to lack (for any amount of time) confidence - for any reason. He calls me (US) to be confident in HIM. 

Philippians 4:13: "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me."

Joshua 1:9: "Be strong and Courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Why is it that I doubt who God has called me to be?  Why do I question my ability to reach out to another person and offer them hope in Christ?  Why do I lack confidence when I'm in a situation that is "out of my depth," when God promises to be WITH me always?  The answer is simple…I lack confidence when I take my eyes of Jesus.  I lack confidence when I rely on my own strength.

I've been pondering the idea of what "a confident woman" looks like.  Not just a confident woman, but a godly confident woman.  What does SHE look like?

I can trace back to each season in my life when God, so graciously placed and positioned incredibly mighty women in my life to lead and mentor me.  In every season, I was blessed by at least one woman who walked in a beautiful confidence in Christ.

The common factor I found in each one of them was not their ability to avoid insecurities, but rather their total dependence on God - and THAT brought them confidence as they walked through the things in their life that brought out insecurities.  I watched these women navigate seasons where they were COMPLETELY out of their depth, but yet they knew they were CALLED BY GOD.  That is all they needed to know.  They weren't concerned by the opinions of every other women around them, because they knew the voice of the holy spirit - and trusted that more.  Did they make mistakes along the way? Absolutely.  But their mistakes didn't dictate which way their confidence in God would go.

These confident women were beautiful - in every way.  They laughed...a lot...even in the worst of times.  They loved abundantly, even when they had nothing left to give after spending hours of their day with screaming children.  It's so much more than the way they were so elegantly dressed all the time.  Their confidence wasn't even found in their ability to prepare food in a way that made me long to do the same. It was the outpouring of love that poured out of every single thing that I saw them do.  They were not perfect...just confident in Jesus.

After thanking God (once again) for allowing me to walk through life along side amazing women like the ones I just described, I began to 'jot' down some thoughts and lessons I've learned from them.  Most of these ideas have come out of the hard lessons I've learned about living in insecurity, and how damaging it is.

Ladies- when we are confident in Jesus, we aren't afraid of stepping out of our "comfortable group of friends" to meet the new, shy, and  completely awkward woman who is sitting by herself in the back at church. We are comfortable even in the uncomfortable situations, because we know that the holy spirit is WITH us.  I pray that I always notice people...even when I am "busy" or "distracted"...that my capacity, by the grace of God, would be large enough to notice someone in their time of need.  I think when we are confident, we aren't worried about things like having enough money to help someone else, because it's so much more than that.  We know that we have so much more to give than just finance.

Why is it that females are so intimidated by one another!? I think it's utterly ridiculous - anyone else? Ha!  How about this one:  We are not afraid to talk to the girl who likes the same guy you like (and is 'prettier than you') because we are worried she might get him! (Hello! That's real.) Seriously, can we stop assuming the worst about one another!? #ForTheLoveOfGod.  One thing I love about the women in my church is that we are so quick to encourage one another. We almost thrive off of "compliment wars" about each others' beauty and friendship.  The moment a thought of inferiority, insecurity, or comparison enters our mind, we should quickly replace it with what God says about us. There is no time for any of that!

When we are confident in Jesus, we are quick to celebrate one another's victories and triumphant stories - not because it's easy...but because jealousy doesn't just "creep" INVADES our spirit...and it's ugly. We choose to rejoice, instead of allowing jealousy into our lives:

"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder..." James 3:16

A confident woman avoids comparison!  She doesn't even waste time comparing her body image or her talents/abilities with another woman.  I think we've all done this!  Instead she focuses on who God made her to be..and being the best at that.  She focuses on how to be the healthiest version of HER that she can be.  I LOVE meeting a woman that loves the way she was created! It's so refreshing!
I think we can all agree that It's exhausting being around a bunch of women who sit around and talk about the flaws on their bodies! TRUST ME, I've been that woman! What a sad conversation topic... and absolutely boring!

A confident woman isn't afraid to have the "hard talks."  She doesn't avoid confrontation because that is a sure sign of immaturity.  She is intentional about speaking up when it is necessary, and very slow to focus on the things that don't matter.  A confident woman of God knows how to say, "I'm sorry, and I was wrong."  She's not afraid to be humbled because it's ONLY Christ who gives her confidence.

A confident woman of God is dependent on the holy spirit for her guidance, wisdom, and ability to discern right from wrong...even for her ability to love people the way Christ does.

She doesn't know how to settle for 'second best' in anything because she is so closely clinging to Jesus.  She will never take a 'second best' job, or a 'second best' relationship, or a 'second best' opportunity...because she TRUSTS that God has His best coming her way!

I was talking with a friend of mine who was telling me about a guy she was getting to know. They have been getting to know each other as friends for awhile now, and she has become very interested in him.  (Side note: this guy is an incredible man of God who has honored and respected her since day one.)  She said the most "freeing" thing to me the other day.  She said this, "Nat, I've realized something.  Even if nothing ever happens with this guy, I'm ok. I'm ok, because I KNOW God has his best for me. I won't even skip a beat."

And I knew she meant it.

What if that was our response to everything?

I KNOW God has His best for me. 

I don't want to be known for whether or not I have a lot of friends, or whether I take good photos or not.  I don't want to be known for my ability to sing well or not sing well.  I really don't want to care if another person gives me a compliment about my beauty.  I want to be a woman SO confident in who I am IN CHRIST, that these things seem insignificant when compared to knowing Him.

To KNOW Jesus is all the confidence I will ever need...for now...and forevermore.

He can be trusted. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Just a Simple 'YES' or 'NO'

"Test me, try me Lord.  Examine my heart and mind…"  (Psalm 26:2)

Wow.  What a bold prayer!  

One of the most "bittersweet" things I experience in life, is when the holy spirit begins to show me the very vulnerable areas of character of my life.  Some areas are are obvious signs that God grace has been so real in my life, while other areas of my life seem to beg for more grace to perfect. 

I'm so grateful that I am a continual "work-in progress"…and that God is so patient with me in the midst of my ever-dependent need for His forgiveness while I learn.

Recently, I have felt a nudge in my heart about a particular area of my life - and after awhile, it was difficult to NOT want to change.  

"Natalie - let your "Yes" mean yes, and let your "NO" mean no.  Your word to people must be trusted."

THAT is what I felt in my spirit when I was sitting by myself in my room.  I was actually praying about something completely different, when I heard the reminder very clearly.  I reached over to my nightstand table and grabbed my bible.  I opened it up to where I knew the scripture was… Matthew 5:37:

"All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." (NIV)

You think that's good - check out how THE MESSAGE version writes it:

33-37 “And don’t say anything you don’t mean. This counsel is embedded deep in our traditions. You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ and never doing it, or saying, ‘God be with you,’ and not meaning it. You don’t make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech sound more religious, it becomes less true. Just say ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong."

I love the inspired words of God.  They never make me feel worthless, pitiful, or terrible… but in fact, they just make me want to change.  A LOT.  The words of God literally put a fire in my soul.  A fire that knocks me down with truth, and literally lifts me off my stupid "soapbox" of pride, and turn my eyes back on Him. 

Imagine if we were so intentional about the promises we made to others (not just those we love, or wanted to spend time with - but even strangers), that our words have actual "weight." What if our WORD actually meant something to the people in our lives?  I think we would be trusted more.  I am so challenged and completely wrecked by that thought.

The words of God are ALWAYS true - ALWAYS trusted.  He never lies, never makes empty promises, and when He says HE WILL - He does.   Because of that, we have full confidence in Him, don't we?!

I think we need to be better about being careful with our words - slow to make huge promises that we cannot fulfill, and quick to care for people by valuing their time, love, and even their hearts.  When we make empty promises that we maybe (intended) to do, but we physically cannot, we have lessened our credibility with that person.  NOT that people should become totally reliant on a person, but I think (as followers of Christ), we should be even more trusted to follow through.  

Let's be practical.  The simple fact that our schedule cannot accommodate every single party, get together, wedding, coffee-date, or phone call is completely understandable.  But before you commit, sit down and look at your calendar - make sure you can commit.  Telling someone that you "cannot meet with them until a later time" is not a bad thing. If that person is hurt by it, they will eventually get over it.  But at least we won't be making a commitment that we cannot actually commit to.  Your "no" is just as powerful as your "yes."

I have learned over and over and OVER again that I cannot be everywhere, all the time.  Sadly, I have tried to be.  Whilst I believe that God's grace can give us an ability to accomplish so much in a day, we are not superman or superwoman.  The people I trust most in my life are not the ones I get to spend the most time with, they are the ones whose word can be trusted because they are incredibly intentional.

So much of this can be translated into relationships too.  Ladies and Gentleman, if a girl or a guy continually allows their commitment to meet with you fall through, perhaps it's not the right time…or the RIGHT PERSON.  Trust me, if someone really wants to get to know you - they will MAKE It happen.  It's really that simple. :)

People deserve our trusted word - not just the words that sound nice in that moment. 

Without a doubt, I am completely aware that I need to be better at this.  In fact, I would say that this would be one of the weakest links in my life at the moment.  THANK GOD that He shows me how to depend on Him for grace in this area…it's impossible to stay the same.  

Thank you Jesus for speaking to me again…without you, I am nothing. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Quit Wasting Your Thoughts!

For all the time I've spent worrying and doubting.
For all the time I've spent feeling worthless and without hope
For all the time I've lost wondering how my bills were going to be paid...
For all the wasted minutes I've spent wondering "where my husband was"...
For all the precious time that I have spent believing lie after lie about who I was/am…and who God is…I'm done.

I think the more I get to know Jesus through spending time with him in prayer and in His word, the more I realize my need for Him above anything else.

All of the time I spent on thoughts that were not His thoughts - I could have been accomplishing so much for His kingdom.  Of course all of these things matter to God - He created us!  

But I often wonder how much more I could accomplish in His name if I were to deliberately and intentionally direct my attention - my WHOLE attention to Jesus.  
I love Psalm 121… here's a great reminder when you start to feel overwhelmed by the things of life: 

(The Message (MSG)
121 1-2 I look up to the mountains;
    does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
    who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.
3-4 He won’t let you stumble,
    your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.
Not on your life! Israel’s
    Guardian will never doze or sleep.
5-6 God’s your Guardian,
    right at your side to protect you—
Shielding you from sunstroke,
    sheltering you from moonstroke.
7-8 God guards you from every evil,
    he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return,
    he guards you now, he guards you always.

Not too long ago, I started to write something that I had been wanting to write for awhile - on the subject of relationships/dating.  But as soon as I sat down to write something...ANYTHING, the words never came.  I had all of this "experience" that I wanted to share to help people not make the same mistakes I made, etc…and not a single word would come out.  

It was at that point when I very clearly felt the holy spirit say, "Why don't you write about me?" 

He got my attention.  My heart sunk in that moment when I realized that I spent so much time on a subject that wasn't intended for this season in my life.  And immediately, my heart redirected back to Him.  It's not that the subject matter was wrong, or that it didn't matter to God (because He cares about healthy relationships!), but because my attention was not on Him.

No matter how beautiful or how difficult my life may seem at any moment, if my eyes are not fixed on the "author" of my life, then I will forget who He is - and in the end, forget about His goodness.

I am without a doubt - a hopeless romantic (deep down).  I think there are times when I pretend that i'm not, you know... I play it "cool."  I DO dream about the man of God that will hear from heaven and win my heart. But... that time is not now. 

For all of us singles - perhaps our time could be better spent on how we can be better followers of Christ? Or what if we placed more of our time into serving the people in our city?  What if we spent more time getting to know the words of God (by reading the bible), then we did on reading blogs about how to be a more "datable person?"  I know, that might have dug hard at someone - my aim is not to offend you. I guess, I'm realizing how time is so precious.  I actually think it's interesting - if we place more focus on knowing God, we will automatically be a better husband or wife one day. :) 

One of my favorite lines from a movie is from 'Hitch.' One of the main characters- Sara, says to her best friend who is struggling with the fact that she hasn't met the "right" man yet: "Casey, you're not sick. You're single. You just have to relax and enjoy the ride."  

Simple, yet profound.  Please remember this when you feel pressure to be in a relationship "because everyone else is…"  

I will still say the exact same things I'm saying now when I'm in a relationship - it's OK that you are single, people!

And I DO realize that there is a time and place for learning more on the subject of relationships and dating - if you feel that this is your time to learn more - then feel free to dismiss my opinion.  

I'll finish this very "touchy" subject with the message version of 1 Corinthians 7:17 - It has kept me from thinking silly thoughts more often then not:

1 Corinthians 7:17 (Msg)
"17 And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life. Don’t think I’m being harder on you than on the others. I give this same counsel in all the churches."

What about those "freak out" moments when we wonder how we are going to pay our bills? I have done this more than I would like to admit.  But what does worrying accomplish? Really…how does it actually move us forward?  

IT DOESN'T. You just end up with ulcers and physical ailments equivalent to that of an 80 year old.  NO THANK YOU.

So what if our response to those "freak out" moments was: "Lord, I thank you that YOU alone are my provider. Not my job, not my tax return, not my friends or my family…YOU.  So give me wisdom on how I can better spend and save my money so that I can serve your Kingdom with more purpose. Thank you for faithfully taking care of me every single day."

I don't know about you - but I am so challenged to let God have full reign over my time.  What takes most of our time? Shockingly enough - our thoughts do.

So if I spend most of my time thinking and evaluating situations before I make decisions - then I'd better learn to fill my spirit with thoughts from Heaven - not thoughts that my brain conjures up when I'm having a bad day! Good LORD, I can think up some pretty ridiculous thoughts on my own - forget the devil. Ha!

Philippians 4:8 (msg)
"8-9 Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies."

How good is that last part?!  When we choose to mediate on thoughts that are spurred on by our Loving God, his word says: "Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies."

COME ON! That's a good promise!

I'm writing this on a day when I need this reminder for myself.  God is so incredibly gracious and faithful to remind me of these kinds of things BEFORE I need it, and WHEN I need it. 

I don't want to waste any more of my time on thoughts and ideas that are not for me to explore just yet - or ever.  I'll let God open those doors when they need to be opened.  Until then, I'm going to keep looking Heaven-ward for my perfectly ordered steps.  

Remain faithful where you are - you don't need to go somewhere else with anyone else because you aren't "seeing your promised promise."  If God spoke to you about something, trust that He will fulfill it in HIS timing.  Don't try to make it work in your own ability.

There is a peace in "waiting"…no need to worry, fret, doubt, or get weary.  He will be faithful to complete what He started.

Spend yourself and your time on things that are moving the kingdom of God forward - which will, in the end, move you forward into the PERFECT will of God for your life.

That's a very exciting thought! 

Let God help you remove the unnecessary thoughts, ideas, and habits from your mind - "declutter" your thought-life! Love that idea!

It's Spring cleaning time - EARLY!