I have a friend who cannot stand surprises. She has to know everything before it happens...or at least a clue. It's kind of endearing. But I don't understand that.. I love the thought that someone went through the effort to surprise me. It means that they spent time, effort, love, and energy on making sure that I don't find out.
Plus-it's exciting...and thrilling to wait for the surprise!
Can you tell I love surprises??!!
I remember a few years ago, a friend of mine said to me, "Nat, I believe this year God wants to surprise you with gifts. Not the kind of gifts you would expect. But he knows you love to be surprised, so expect it!"
Months passed by before I remembered that sweet reminder of God's goodness in my life. Later that year, I was asked to go with a team that was traveling to Indonesia to sing, and minister. An actual dream come true... Only I couldn't have dreamt that one up. In fact, I wasn't the first choice of who they would choose for the trip. But, I was God's first choice. It was favor that I did not expect... And certainly didn't earn. In the same moment that I was asked, I was also told that I needed to come up with the money for the trip within a few days. I remember thinking, "ok God, if this is you.. And I believe it is... Then I trust that you will work the finance out."
And within 30 minutes, someone gave me the initial money I needed to book the trip.
The crazy thing is, I shouldn't have been that surprised that God would make something like this happen. He's such an amazing dream giver, and dream maker. He can make it happen in a matter of seconds. But sometimes He intentionally takes years to make it happen.
This next year, dare to dream big... REALLY BIG. Think of the most incredible dream you can imagine... God can do bigger!
Expect the unexpected surprises. Expect that you'll be surprised with incredible friendships, relationships, restored relationships, better jobs, mind-blowing opportunities, and even better days than you've ever had! If this year was difficult, expect that God wants to redeem it with surprises beyond your wildest imagination!
Why shouldn't we expect the BEST?! I don't know about you, but I feel like I've accepted the "less than" and "this is good enough" for so long. There is nothing wrong with being grateful for what we have right now, in fact, we always should be grateful! But why not trust God for more?!
Why not expect that you'll have the most incredible year?!
No matter what obstacles and opportunities come your way this year, they do not have the last word. God always has the last word, and He wants you to have the most adventurous, exciting, blessed, and strengthened life possible. BELIEVE THAT.
And if you don't yet believe that, well, I hope you're ready to be surprised by the unfailing, unconditional, and (sometimes) unbelievable love of God!!
Start thanking Him for what you've been praying for years about... Just assume it's already yours! (Ephesians 3:20... That's for everyone!)
Even if you think you don't deserve a good life.. Well none of us do. :) So... Get over that thought and look heavenward (dig into the Bible) and find out what God says about you, and what He wants for you! (Jeremiah 29:11 is a good place to start!)
Honestly, I don't care at all about what HAS happened. It's the past...and if God forgives us of our past (and chooses to forget it) when we ask him, why should we dwell there?! HELLO.
Moving on folks...
Get excited about what's ahead, and get ready to be surprised by the goodness of God!
Give more freely this year... Love more extravagantly, and open your heart more wisely.
In the words of my Pastor, Brian Houston: "THE BEST IS YET TO COME!"