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Monday, November 18, 2013

Sticks and Stones...

"Sticks and stones may break my bones...but words will never hurt me."


We have all heard this quote...and were indadvertedly taught this "principle"...and how this one silly quote would fix all of the terrible things that kids would say about us in school.  Even teachers would use this quote as a lesson in class to address bullying.  The crazy thing is that I witnessed teachers doing the bullying...and it was nothing short of heartbreaking.  

Our words are SO powerful.  The bible has much to say about our words and how they can alter a person's life:

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." Proverbs 18:21

WOW..."death and life are in the power of the tongue..."  Every single word that we say can either have the power to bring life or death to someone - even more - to our own life.

Just this week, I found myself in a conversation about another that started out as "genuine concern" for that person, but quickly turned to negative complaints.  I hate gossip...absolutely hate it.  I usually stay far from it, and discourage it as much as possible.  But it wasn't until after I finished this conversation, that I realized my words about this person were bringing "death"...instead of speaking life.  

(I could talk more about gossip...but I digress :)  We've all been guilty...)

Often times, I hear girls talk about how there aren't any "good men" out there!  Complaining, complaining, complaining like they have it all together, but that there were no MEN around to meet them where they are at.  Here's the thing - Ladies (and gentlemen)... if you don't speak life over people, they may not ever become what they CAN be.

For example, if all I talk about in regards to the guys in my life is how they are "falling short" of my expectations, then that is exactly what they will be through my eyes.  I don't ever want to be the reason why someone doesn't step out and do great things.  I don't want to be the reason why someone begins to doubt the "call of God" on their life.  I definitely don't want to be the reason why a man is delayed on becoming the man of God that He can be.  

So - girls...and guys...let's be better with our words towards other people.  Remember that we will all let each other down, make mistakes, hurt one another...not because it's ok to do either of these things, but simply because we are human - and we are learning to be better people.  Let's encourage one another on the journey...choose to see the BEST in one another.

Ask God for wisdom in all of your relationships (friendships, etc.), and He will faithfully give it to you. 

I'd rather be known as someone who believed the best in someone...and got hurt in the process...then someone who was so afraid to love (believe the best) because I might get hurt.

Our words are so's like our very own "built-in" weapon.  Be careful, cautious, wise, slow to speak, and kind with your words.  We don't have to be fake - just kind and full of grace.

What does it take to change the world around us?  I think it takes MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF GRACE for one another.  

I once heard a story about a GREAT man. Him and his wife often make a "home" for people...either in their home, or wherever they go.  He had a guy staying with them for a long period of time.  This guy kept getting into trouble, kept acting out, not living the life that this couple believed he could. But when someone asked this couple, "why do you still let him live with you...? What if he never changes?" This couple responded with this: "But what if he DOES change?"


What if our response to everyone was "But what if they do change?"

What if our words were quick to encourage - with NO motive other than to believe in the best in that person.

Life or Death...that's what our words are for others...

Another tip that I have learned - when you feel like you need encouragement, GIVE IT.

ALWAYS's faultless because it's a "kingdom principle." 

"You’ll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, ‘You’re far happier giving than getting.’” - Acts 20:35 (The message)


  1. Oh my gosh, I thought this was a link to some big theologian or famous published writer or speaker...then part way through realized it sounded very much like the incredible gal who put up the is a big deal person & this just shows what is to come. Amazing!! I'd rather believe the best & get hurt too...rather than miss out when they DO change. It's incredible how grace & forgiveness actually lighten your step & the opposite weighs u down. Hmm. Luv u to pieces Nat.

  2. "What does it take to change the world around us? I think it takes MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF GRACE for one another". thankful for His grace.
