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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Just a Simple 'YES' or 'NO'

"Test me, try me Lord.  Examine my heart and mind…"  (Psalm 26:2)

Wow.  What a bold prayer!  

One of the most "bittersweet" things I experience in life, is when the holy spirit begins to show me the very vulnerable areas of character of my life.  Some areas are are obvious signs that God grace has been so real in my life, while other areas of my life seem to beg for more grace to perfect. 

I'm so grateful that I am a continual "work-in progress"…and that God is so patient with me in the midst of my ever-dependent need for His forgiveness while I learn.

Recently, I have felt a nudge in my heart about a particular area of my life - and after awhile, it was difficult to NOT want to change.  

"Natalie - let your "Yes" mean yes, and let your "NO" mean no.  Your word to people must be trusted."

THAT is what I felt in my spirit when I was sitting by myself in my room.  I was actually praying about something completely different, when I heard the reminder very clearly.  I reached over to my nightstand table and grabbed my bible.  I opened it up to where I knew the scripture was… Matthew 5:37:

"All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." (NIV)

You think that's good - check out how THE MESSAGE version writes it:

33-37 “And don’t say anything you don’t mean. This counsel is embedded deep in our traditions. You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ and never doing it, or saying, ‘God be with you,’ and not meaning it. You don’t make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech sound more religious, it becomes less true. Just say ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong."

I love the inspired words of God.  They never make me feel worthless, pitiful, or terrible… but in fact, they just make me want to change.  A LOT.  The words of God literally put a fire in my soul.  A fire that knocks me down with truth, and literally lifts me off my stupid "soapbox" of pride, and turn my eyes back on Him. 

Imagine if we were so intentional about the promises we made to others (not just those we love, or wanted to spend time with - but even strangers), that our words have actual "weight." What if our WORD actually meant something to the people in our lives?  I think we would be trusted more.  I am so challenged and completely wrecked by that thought.

The words of God are ALWAYS true - ALWAYS trusted.  He never lies, never makes empty promises, and when He says HE WILL - He does.   Because of that, we have full confidence in Him, don't we?!

I think we need to be better about being careful with our words - slow to make huge promises that we cannot fulfill, and quick to care for people by valuing their time, love, and even their hearts.  When we make empty promises that we maybe (intended) to do, but we physically cannot, we have lessened our credibility with that person.  NOT that people should become totally reliant on a person, but I think (as followers of Christ), we should be even more trusted to follow through.  

Let's be practical.  The simple fact that our schedule cannot accommodate every single party, get together, wedding, coffee-date, or phone call is completely understandable.  But before you commit, sit down and look at your calendar - make sure you can commit.  Telling someone that you "cannot meet with them until a later time" is not a bad thing. If that person is hurt by it, they will eventually get over it.  But at least we won't be making a commitment that we cannot actually commit to.  Your "no" is just as powerful as your "yes."

I have learned over and over and OVER again that I cannot be everywhere, all the time.  Sadly, I have tried to be.  Whilst I believe that God's grace can give us an ability to accomplish so much in a day, we are not superman or superwoman.  The people I trust most in my life are not the ones I get to spend the most time with, they are the ones whose word can be trusted because they are incredibly intentional.

So much of this can be translated into relationships too.  Ladies and Gentleman, if a girl or a guy continually allows their commitment to meet with you fall through, perhaps it's not the right time…or the RIGHT PERSON.  Trust me, if someone really wants to get to know you - they will MAKE It happen.  It's really that simple. :)

People deserve our trusted word - not just the words that sound nice in that moment. 

Without a doubt, I am completely aware that I need to be better at this.  In fact, I would say that this would be one of the weakest links in my life at the moment.  THANK GOD that He shows me how to depend on Him for grace in this area…it's impossible to stay the same.  

Thank you Jesus for speaking to me again…without you, I am nothing. 


  1. loved this Nat! And all your writing... So inspiring, raw, passionate, and beautiful. And these so on point with what's been going on in my heart. You do indeed challenge (and teach!) me through your writing - thank you. :) Glen

  2. Stumbled upon this gem...I needed have amazing revelations and thank you for sharing with us.
